What I'm doing...

I have been rather silent this week.

Not because I am lazily sitting at home, lounging in the air conditioning eating bon bons with no thought for my little blog...

No. This week I have been rather preoccupied.

I tend to be a very one track minded person. When I have a goal in mind, oftentimes other things get unnecessarily tossed aside so that I can achieve that one goal.

Which isn't so great when you're the mother of a 17 month old, preparing for a newborn and attempting to keep the house clean, food on the table, clean laundry in the house...

...and your goal is editing a book.

So, I decided instead of dragging it out until I go into labor with a messy house, empty freezer, no clean laundry anywhere to be seen, etc...I would put all my focus and energy this week to finish it up so that I could then turn my meager energies onto getting ready for the baby and my home responsibilities.

Setting very specific goals for myself, it has been rather nice to go find air conditioned spots and write, edit, write, edit, write, edit.

I am feeling very excited about the new level of polish the manuscript is getting with this final edit. I'm so thankful that I have this time to spend on it before baby brother comes.

I'm not convinced that I'll entirely be done by Saturday (which is my goal), but I'll be very close. It's been amazing to go through and remove the many, many cliches that I had written in (and didn't realize it), adding fresh descriptions etc

I love to write. This past year I've discovered a new love affair with words. I hope this is just the beautiful beginning of a long relationship.(I'm sure that's just a long, drawn out cliche...but after a day of tearing them out of my manuscript, I feel that I'm entitled to one here)

That being said, it will be wonderful to hand my manuscript off to some friends for a final opinion (??) before handing it over to my agent to do her thing.

I hope you can forgive me for my silence and preoccupation. I am for the first time really starting to feel confident in the quality of my book.

And don't worry- little Chubbs is far from neglected. Either I write while she's asleep, or she spends time with her PCA who happens to be her Aunt Kenly- who she loves and adores. Win. win.

Hopefully soon my creative energies will be away from discovering a new descriptor of "adding insult to injury" and back to my little blog. (-:

I offer to you three pictures as a peace offering:

Chubbs' favorite thing to do these days is read to herself...and the book is ALWAYS upside down. If you give it to her right side up, she'll give you a look like "Come on, mom...that's not right" and then flip it over. lol.
"Yes, I do feed myself. Why do you ask?"

Here's to staying cool in the extreme heat...and being able to focus, focus, focus on my work so that I can be DONE and enjoy a bit of the summer with Chubbs...
Deanna Smith