pregnant. and cranky.

I am 34 weeks pregnant. Fat. Hungry Starving all the time. Hot and sticky in this mess of weather. It is One Billion degrees outside.

I worked for 6 hours today on my book today and made it through....20 pages. This is the sixth day in a row that I have done that. Needless to say, I'm not finished. and exhausted.

I had a bookcase all picked out that I was excited to buy for my living room as a reward for when I was finally finished with this draft of my book. Today I decided that I had better go ahead and order it before the sale ends with the faith that I'll finish this weekend.

The shipping cost was almost as much as the I didn't order my coveted prize.

Addison was just in the living room- dismantling the entire room. It's too hot to hold her close, so any sort of safe entertainment she can find is fine by me. I'll clean up the mess come fall.

Yesterday I discovered that my beloved car has a flat tire. Which still hasn't been fixed...which means I am stuck in one location except for the compassion of others.

The heat is overtaking my normally sweet personality (cough cough) which means that I just finished a rather biting email to Target to let them know exactly what I thought of their large shipping cost on something that is only available online and that they wouldn't ship to a store location for me.

I'm sure I'll regret that once my skin has lowered itself from its boiling point.

I'm staring at my chubbalicious daughter and thinking that she looks more edible by the minute. The baby food sweet peas that I'm feeding her are also drawing me in. They smell irresistibly good. The creamy green goodness looks soothingly refreshing.

The tears rolling down my face for no reason at all are intermingling with the perspiration everywhere else creating a recipe of positive sweetness.

I know it's difficult to tell from this post, but something about this HOT HOT HOT weather is causing my body and spirit to turn on me in a giant rebellion of cranky.

Anyone else have days when they just don't think that they will make it to the next one?

This post definitely falls under the Nothing from Everything and Nothing....but somehow it feels better just to say it...

What's the shipping cost on cooler weather?

(Dear Mother...according to your policy that I must always say one thing that I am thankful for for every complaint....I will have to pick up with that in the next post. If I live until the next post)

I just grabbed a half eaten cracker soaked in an unidentifiable substance off of Addison's high chair tray table and scarfed it up.

Yes, I have sunk that low.

Hello Fall? Yes, I would like to pay for expedited delivery. Cost is no object. Bring it.

(No, I am not being overly dramatic. Anyone else that has been pregnant through a summer in the state of no air conditioning where it has been in the mid to high 90s all week...surely you can understand)

and yes, I realize that if my biggest problems are hot and hungry that my thankful post should be quite lengthy...
Deanna Smith