thank you

My tired self just found its way over to the couch.

Feet up. Head leaning back. Eyes propped open.

I might fall asleep before I can hit publish.

Dishwasher is humming busily, full of  frosting caked dishes and my thank you cupcakes are all ready to take to work tomorrow.
Note: those of you about to revolt from the poor quality of pictures on my blog these days...and the lack of really great Chubbs shots...change is coming camera on Saturday...just a few more days to put up with my blurry shots...(-: 

Tomorrow is my last day as a public school high school music teacher.

That is for another post.

Tonight? I want to somehow express my uttermost thankfulness and overwhelming gratitude for the comments and love shown on my last post. If I could, I would make you all thank you cupcakes. (because I think that's an awesome way to say thank you)

When I finished typing the last word and reading it over and over, hoping that it made sense- I hit post and immediately felt myself drowning in panic.

I had never done a giveaway before. Only a handful of people knew the plotline of my book.

For all I knew, I was setting myself up to be laughed at and to experience utter failure.

I found it incredibly difficult to explain a year's worth of constant writing and revising in a few simple paragraphs with enough clarity to do the book justice. It's a serious subject- one that requires just the right approach to make it believable and read-worthy.

The many comments that started rolling- supportive, appreciative comments beyond what I could have imagined calmed my panic and gave me a renewed vision. Each time I saw it reposted on facebook, I cried just a little bit. Tears of thankfulness. (mixed with just a small touch of tired pregnancy hormones..but mostly thankfulness...)

I just want to say from the bottom of my heart. Thank you, thank you. thank you.

As I continue to refine and polish every detail of my book, hopefully working with a publishing/editor soon, I will be doing it for all of you who re-strengthened my resolve and helped me remember the need for a book with a message like this one.

and of course, for my inspiration, Chubbs:

Lately, she's been working so hard on standing independently. She will pull herself up, deliberately raise her hands triumphantly in the air, put on a face very similar to the one in the picture above...and inevitably within seconds fall onto her little diapered bum.

What does she do next? She climbs up again. over and over. Determined to succeed, she doesn't let falling get in the way of her success. Rather, it spurs her on as she laughs, smiles and tries again. and again. Each time she gets stronger and stays upright just that much longer.

Falling is a big part of success. Chubbs taught me that. So even though this book publishing process has incredibly far to go still, the important part is the getting back up. again and again.

The testimonials that I have on the last post to use in my pre marketing pitch to publishers is definitely part of my few seconds of standing success. And will be what helps me get back up to try again.

Just like Chubbs.

Thank you from a very tired momma who was ready for bed three hours ago when Chubbs went to bed, but found amazing energy from a package of ferrero rochers that arrived in the mail and allowed her to finish her project., buzzing around the kitchen with an extreme sugar high. Chocolate, the magic strength pill...who knew?

If you have no idea what I'm talking about, make sure you check out my last post...the giveaway is open until Monday! Also, you can leave additional comments if you repost on facebook, twitter or a blog. It's a $50 gift card to Amazon thank you to one random commenter...just sayin' (-:
Deanna Smith