Brace Yourself

I have a confession to make. Just because I have accepted my daughter's diagnosis doesn't mean that I'm always happy about some of those "extras" that come along with it.

This week we had four therapy appointments and two doctors appointments. Still not what upsets me. I guess I'm used to the busyness of Addison's schedule. (and explains why even though I'm a stay at home mom, I still don't have a lot of time for "extras" myself)

The topic bothering me today has to do with one of those appointments. In my mind, Addison is a little girl- like any other little girl. I like to put pretty bows in her hair, buy her gorgeous outfits, paint her toenails and let her put a swipe of makeup on her face to mimic what I'm doing and be "just like mommy".

But every once in a while, something happens to remind me that she does indeed need extra help and assistance- things that will hopefully give her a better future, but aren't exactly found on the racks of high baby fashion.

For example- the infamous glasses incident of 2011. (BTW, in case you're totally judging me because she is NEVER pictured here with her glasses on....she flat out REFUSES to wear them. I have tried everything. EVERYTHING. I have four therapists and a PCA who have helped me along with the best pediatric opthamologist team in the state. Our conclusion? She will wear them when her world expands beyond what she can hold in her hand)

But this week's drama? Getting Addison braces for her feet/ankles.
When I posted on facebook that we were going to get molded for them a few weeks ago, I confessed that it made me feel sad.

I couldn't figure out why. I love her. I want the best for her. But I didn't want her to have to deal with one more thing that might set her apart from her peers as different.

It all started when we took her skiing and then she decided to start walking after wearing the boots for an extended period of time.

Our PT (which Addison has had since she was 6 weeks old and we LOVE) made us an appointment to go see an orthotics specialist to see why the extra support was helping her so much.

After a rather intense examination (side note: apparently the doctory of feet is a very intense subject. Who knew?) it was determined that her feet's current walking motions will lead to deformity, bunions and a lot of pain in her future. Translation? Awkward gait, no running, probably no ballet or other such sports.

But with almost constant wearing of her SMO braces over the next three years, her feet COULD grow correctly and allow a much more pain free future for her.
SMO (Supra-Malleolar Orthosis)

She's starting with these braces and then going back in for new ones that separate her big toe from her other toes which means she'll have to wear special socks under them. (Seriously, I can't even keep regular socks together. Now I have to keep up with medically prescribed socks? The pressure is too great)
You'll notice that Addison ALLOWED the glasses as a necklace accessory for these pictures. ha.
We've decided that these braces can be worn with a lot of style and attitude.
They are what you make of them.
For us they hopefully will avoid a lot of problems for Addison's feet in the future
and will maybe push her over the edge into "full time walker" (she is SO close already).

So we will wear them and accessorize them with pride.

I'm sure the famous "Addison attitude" won't get in the way. ahem.
BUT she will not be wearing them with her Easter dress. Don't judge. We're still breaking them in and wearing a fancy dress is a good a time as any to give them a break. (-:

So yeah...Addison fashion now includes braces. But while sad at first, I'm now happy that we were able to catch the problem in time. Poor girl has already been through enough. A pain-free future for her feet is worth a little style inconvenience for now. Totally. (And this might just be mommy pride speaking, but she is completely rockin' out her new look!)

Deanna Smith