Everything and Nothing From Essex

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Perhaps you should sue God

Disclaimer: I wrote this on Sunday night and because of the controversial nature of the article decided not to post it. I try to keep reactive writing in the draft folder only. But ever since hitting "Save" I haven't been able to get this post off of my mind, and I haven't been able to post anything else. So here it is:

Dear couple that sued for the wrongful birth of your daughter born with Down syndrome,

I'm not sure how you look into those almond shaped eyes-grasp that warm hand smaller than most-hold close the body vibrating with life

and say

"We wish we could have aborted you".

But since you have, there are a couple of things I would like to say- some things that clearly you haven't already thought through.

Sometimes unexpected things happen to us in life. Bad things that we didn't ask for.
Some of us would call them blessings in disguise-the gifts that we didn't even realize that we needed- while others label MISTAKE and WORTHLESS all over the unexpected.
The truth is, I can see why you're angry. You have a baby that you didn't want. A diagnosis that you feared is now a very real part of your life

without your permission.

Since I have been there myself, I understand the hurt and anger.

But what I don't understand is, why did you sue the DOCTOR?

Didn't you mean to sue GOD?

After all, he's the one who put that baby in your womb. He's the one who allowed a test to come back negative when it should have been positive. He's the one who providentially kept you from ending the life of the baby with the extra chromosome as to not taint your lives.
He's the one who made the MISTAKE in giving your child the wrong number of chromosomes.

He's the one who has FORCED you to endure the smiles, giggles, the JOY of your daughter's life for four wretched years.
So I hear you will have to pay extra money to care for your child.
Wow, that sounds rough.
 But to be honest, that sounds a lot like something called PARENTHOOD.
Earlier this week I wrote a post about motherhood being hard.

It's true.


and things happen that we don't want.

designed by the same loving God who is willing to help us through the hard times.

So yes, your lawsuit is waiting to be heard by God.

But I must warn you, you're standing in line behind people who lost homes and loved ones in the tornado last week, the young parents who lost their little boy to leukemia last night, the six small children who unexpectedly became orphans because of that drunk driver, the starving in 3rd world countries and everyone who has ever been wronged in life.

But don't worry- I'm sure your case will be heard soon. Having to put up with such a TRAVESTY as a beautiful little girl full of life and spirit is the WORST thing that could possibly happen to a human being.
So yeah, I'm sure you meant to sue God. It only makes sense.

No one should have to suffer like this:
p.s. I heard that FAR in front of you in that line to sue God is a four year old little girl who shares your genetic makeup- her complaint is that she she has to have parents who want her dead. Good luck using your 2.9 million to take the sting out of THAT.

p.s.s. I too have a daughter with the "wrong" number of chromosomes. I would no more sue for her presence in my life than I would sue for being CRUELLY given two arms or a head or....life myself.

edited* A Way To Help