Making Limeade Out Of Limes
(Yes....lemonade would have been far too cliche...hehe)
I have gotten a lot of traffic on this blog the past week.
I have gotten a lot of traffic on this blog the past week.
Not because I'm such a sensational blogger or writer or mom.
But because last Thursday I wrote about a topic that is highly controversial and tears at our heartstrings.
I have been working to raise awareness- for our kids- for Down syndrome- for life. (Thus I've laid off of my usual "motherhood is so hard whine whine whine" posts. You're welcome.)
But perhaps you're already aware of what a life with Down syndrome is worth, and you are frustrated because you feel that there's nothing that YOU can do to help.
Well, remembered how I mentioned yesterday that there are long waiting lists to adopt children with Down syndrome? Well, there is an organization called Reece's Rainbow (recently featured on abc news) that matches families up with children who need a home.
They also raise awareness, provide support and fundraise.
As you might already know, it can take these families quite a bit of time to come up with the cash necessary for adoption- while the highly wanted child sits in an orphanage waiting to begin truly living (I'm speaking now of the situation in Eastern Europe).
My friend Patti over at A Perfect Lily tirelessly blogs and fundraises to help these families get the cash needed so that they can walk into the orphanage, grab the lonely hand and say
"We are your parents. We want to welcome you to a new life of acceptance and love."
Everything and Nothing from Essex is not a fundraising blog. But because of all the extra traffic, my hearts beats faster at the thought that perhaps I could help this little girl:
come home to her family that is waiting with outstretched arms ready to love.
Get this- they have been fundraising for over a year. Can you imagine?
Patti is the host of this giveaway, but I am tagging along (to bug her- mostly) but also to help if at all possible.
You really should check it out. (please please please)
Maybe we can't help whatever emotional scars will be in the future of the little girl regarding the lawsuit. But we CAN help Albina come home if we all just chip in a couple of dollars.
Maybe something good can come of the publicity/controversy of the whole lawsuit situation.
Maybe it help Albina be fully funded and COME HOME.
Please. DO something.
Read more about the give away on Patti's blog.
I don't have a lot to give. But if I give a little and you give a little and all of Patti's readers give a little- this girl can come home.
Let's turn a sensational/controversial/sad, sad story into a rescue.
Are you ready to help make a difference?
Do it for World Down Syndrome Day.
Do it for the little girl in Oregon.
Do it for Addison.
Thank you.
(and don't worry, regular scheduled programing will return soon....but meanwhile let's help this family get this little girl HOME!)