Two Year Pictures

Lately I have become increasingly concerned with the amount of time that Addison has wanted to watch Signing Time. When I asked her therapists about it, they said not to worry because it was so educational (and she really DID learn so much with each watching).

Well, last Saturday when we had an appointment to get her 2 year pictures taken, I realized that I had a reason to be concerned.

She watched while eating breakfast so that I could get myself and Carter ready for the shoot. It was when I DARED to push that "stop" button that she lost it.

Cranky, crying, SCREAMING, saying "sign" over and over (and signing "chocolate"): I realized a valuable lesson. Having Down syndrome does NOT preempt Addison from the terrible twos, or becoming overly obsessive about something.

Addison has showed huge personality lately with very strong likes and dislikes (um, just like ANY two year old) which is frustrating to deal with because she pretends not to understand "NO" and such (she does), but at the same time exciting because this sort of aggressive behavior says promising things about her cognitive ability.

Anyway, all that to say, our photographer was A SAINT to still keep flashing the camera even when Addison was melting down (and of course Carter joined in the happy chorus). It was not our finest hour....

But I would say that Silver Spoon still got some great pictures. Here are my favorites:
What was she staring at SO intently? Yes, her DVD player with Signing Time (weak mommy)
Seriously, Carter and Addison looks SO MUCH ALIKE! To those people who say that individuals with Down syndrome don't look like their families, I say "LIARS!" (-:
I look at this picture of us and think "how is it possible that we have two kids and have been married for six years this summer?" seriously, time flies.
notice her glare (and granola bar)
a temporary break from sullen
ah yes, the terrible twos...
angry and yes, sullen once again
trying to pinch my lips off when I was trying to make her favorite speech therapy sounds in hopes to elicit a smile
the ticklish spot
those eyes slay me
wonder where they came from????
Thank you Silver Spoon Photography for putting up with us and the gorgeous pictures!

(and yes, Addison has been on a bit of a Signing Time hiatus...we are just now watching a few minutes here and there due to her barricading herself behind the couch and shouting "SIGN TIME" while two therapists were sitting by and watching how I would handle it. sigh.)
Deanna Smith