A is for Apple...and Addison

Addison got three new things this week:

1. A sinus infection (Turns out chocolate and diamonds are beat out by antibiotics as a girl's best friend)

2. An ipad
 After reading numerous articles on how this has been proven to tremendously help children with learning difficulties, I applied for a grant (like a year ago) so that we could buy this for Addison. The grant was just given to us, so I bought it for her this week.

Still need
- a good childproof case (any suggestions as to what works for you?)
- more app ideas that are geared towards where Addison is right now (seeing all 4 therapists tomorrow and hope to get some ideas then) Which apps do you like the best?
- a better cheat site for Words with Friends (just kidding...sort of)

Anyway, very excited to be able to see how Addison does with this new therapy "toy". Will update you in a few weeks as we see how this begins to improve her learning!

3. Pigtails! About time this girl sprouted a little hair...
She kept touching them and saying "hair"...seriously, how cute are these?
and little brother has fast learned that as long as you wear a super manly outfit (thank you, Uncle Chris and Aunt Beth)
it's OK to steal your sister's white ipad for a little learning of your own
but you will probably feel guilty about it since you know Addison wouldn't approve if she saw you...
Hoping that this week brings restored health for both kiddos so that we can take Addison skiing as was planned for last week, but we had to cancel due to her previously discussed infection. booohooo.

Also, hope to announce something later in the week that I've been working on to "celebrate" Addison's 2nd birthday (can she really be two already?) Stay tuned!
Deanna Smith