Addison Conducts Choir of One

I've been silent this week. Truth is, I've been overwhelmed by equal amounts of stress and baby cuteness.

The stress part I'm not going to go into (who wants to be a downer?)...but the cuteness part?

I gladly share:

First sibling bath (We were having problems with Addison pooping in the tub EVERY night, so we added a little peer pressure, called him the lifeguard and a miracle more tub far)
 Carter getting a picture with his namesake. Charles Henry (great grandpa) and Carter Henry (CH and CH)
 handsome little guy (I've already decided that no woman will ever be good enough for him...I just might be THAT mom...working on it...sort of)
 loves music
and remember how I'm always saying that Addison loves to dance and that I'm trying to capture it on video but she stops as soon as I pull my camera out? Well, the dancing has evolved into conducting...

and conducting the wall has turned into conducting her brother...choir of one. (once again, I was only able to capture part of it as she stopped shortly after realizing I was taping her but this happens almost every time music comes on in our house and goes on for quite a while)

I present to you: The Choir of Addison
Hmmm...future conductor?
Deanna Smith