Turkey Trot

Today is Thanksgiving. One of the biggest things that I am thankful for is this little girl:
She, along with brother, Daddy and Gwampa came out to support Mommy, Aunt Andi and Gwandma in our first endeavors to run a 5K. (it was mighty cold...thus the wintertime bundling)
I mentioned to you about 5-6 weeks ago that I was thinking of attempting to learn to run because Addison inspires me to try new things- things that are hard for me to do- things that previously I've avoided because they are HARD WORK.
Well, I started a Couch to 5K program after that post, and have very faithfully kept up with it- working very hard to learn my new thing. I totally surprised myself with how much I have enjoyed the process so far. I will probably do a post about my experiences with the program, but today? I just want to say that

I DID IT!!!! I ran a 5K!

My little sister Andria, visiting for the week from Wisconsin ran with me, and Aaron's mom decided to run as well.
Here I am crossing over the finish. My time? 35 minutes. Not the greatest in the world, but I'm pretty dang proud of it! I ran faster today than I've previously ever run before- meaning I had to walk briefly twice to keep up the fast tempo, but I still finished 2 minutes faster than all of my previous times! (and if there are snarky comments about my time...please remember that I am THE MOST unathletic person in the world...and I had a baby 12 weeks ago SO THERE...just let me think that 35 minutes is amazing) (-:

My in laws with Addison after the race
After the race. I totally wish I was the lady in the back doing the awesome stretch. 
Other than my music not working for the first 1/3 of the race, and a woman yelling behind me "what a huge-insert slang for bottom- " (at her friend, but it still made me jump guiltily), and my sister deciding that she had to go to the bathroom RIGHT as we were standing at the start line, and at one point me deciding it would be easier to hurtle myself down the snowy embankment to have an excuse why I couldn't finish rather than run another second, and mistaking an orange coated runner for the finish line and sprinting towards it with relief until I realized it was moving as well, and overall playing mind games with myself for 35 minutes to convince myself to FINISH STRONG...it was a piece of pie.

Speaking of pie, guess who celebrated his very first Thanksgiving? (NOTE: He is wearing a 9 month onesie...the same one that Addison wore last Thanksgiving)

and this Thanksgiving??? Addison signed eat before dinner. Such a big girl!!!
So to sum up:

Cute baby's first Thanksgiving
Signing Chubbs

What a good day! I'm thankful for so many things that I can't even start to name them. HAPPY THANKSGIVING to all of you! I am thankful for your support, comments and your graciousness in reading my humble words. THANK YOU!
Deanna Smith