Running to Stand, Sign and Talk
Sometimes I feel like I can't celebrate an accomplishment because there are so many others who already do it so effortlessly-therefore it must not be a big deal.
For instance, yesterday I posted on facebook that I had finished my first day of "from couch to 5k in 6 weeks" training. I have friends on facebook who are training to run a marathon. A 5K for them is like sleepwalking...chained and dragging their bed behind them.
But for me it's a huge deal. I'm not a runner. But I would like to be. I usually get dressed to the nines in appropriate workout gear, polish up the ol' tennis shoes, stand in the doorway looking out at the beautiful weather...then go get a cup of coffee and sit on the front porch thinking about how I'll run...someday. (while admiring my workout gear and feeling quite sporty)
But yesterday I did it. Granted, it was a mixture of running and walking, but I did it. And surprisingly enough, I really enjoyed it.
So, I "celebrated" on facebook. Laugh if you want- marathon runners. I took the first step (haha) towards doing something that I've always romanticized in my mind. (and for the record, since today's job was to "rest" I nailed that a well)
For Addison, every small thing is such a HUGE celebration for us, but sometimes I hesitate to post every detail here because I know she has other T21 friends who have already been rockin' those skills for months.
But today's speech therapy deserves to be celebrated- all comparisons aside. Because Addison.did.awesome.
She pushed to stand from the floor (brand new skill), she said "ball" and "up" (rather enthusiastically...first words!), she signed "shoe" (and she's been signing "more" and waving "goodbye" all week...first signs!)
When I start crying in therapy, I know it's going to be a good day.
and today- yes, there were tears.
for my amazing daughter.
Who cares that other kids have beeng signing, standing and talking for months now...Addion did all of that for the first time today and I'm going to celebrate! YAY ADDISON! I'm contemplating making a cake (which would correspond nicely to my parent's 30th anniversary today) but lack two ingredients and am trying to figure out if I'm up for the hour production to get to the car for the 15 minute grocery store run in.
So maybe no cake.
Is it just me or has the talent gotten more demanding? I guess it's time to go figure out a cake I DO have all of the ingredients to...
*Carter was napping during photo time...don't worry, Addison didn't accomplish her one weekend goal: "Send back baby"