What would you do?

I'm writing for help because my current sleep deprived mind is having difficulty coming to a decision on my own.

Here's the problem:
Last week I hired a new Personal Care Assistant for Addison. I was so excited because she

-is studying to be a Physical Therapist
-has the perfect schedule to be here when I need her
-is interning at a Kids Rehab Gym so she can take Addison there for free

She came the first day (Tuesday) and did an AWESOME job. I was home as well, but was busy feeding Carter, doing laundry and picking up while Addison was having very purposeful babysitting time. When she left, Addison was exhausted and took an amazing nap.

Her second day of work (Friday), I got an email from her early that morning that said that she was so sorry that she had the flu and didn't want to expose Addison to her germs. She made a big point out of saying that she still wanted this job very badly and hoped that I didn't think that she was not taking it seriously. She also stated that she would for sure be there the next day that we had agreed on.

I was a little suspicious (and annoyed a I had been counting on her for that day) but decided to give her the benefit of the doubt.

Her third day of work (Monday), SHE NEVER SHOWED UP. I emailed her a very polite "Didn't you say you would work with Addison today?". I never heard back from her until late, late, late that night.

She said that her mother had contacted her about a family emergency and that she had to go out of town to be with her family and this was the first chance she had to email me back. She said that she was so sorry and would understand if I didn't want her to be Addison's PCA anymore, but that she still really wanted the job and hoped I could understand the troubles that were out of her control.

So here's my dilemma? Am I to be understanding and overlook this rough start or is it naive to believe these excuses? She is the perfect PCA- should I stick it out or try to find someone new?

The problem is, I'm exhausted and don't have time to interview a new batch of girls, but I really need someone I can depend on. Do I just assume that events will even out for this girl or figure that she took a long weekend and plied on the excuses to gullible me?

What would you do???
Deanna Smith