the tattoo

Yesterday I went out to lunch with friends. Food was delicious, conversation was wonderful...and the best part of it was? Aaron was home watching Addison. Because of his extremely busy schedule in the summer, usually if I leave her it has to be with her PCA because I just can't count on him having the time free because of his work demands.

So I was excited. What would he do with the valuable time that he had to give to Addison and our house?

Perhaps he would put trim back up in the nursery? (Last step before I can "move in")

Perhaps he would pick up the oh so many scattered objects throughout the house that Addison had spread and are just too difficult for me to keep up with as my belly continues to expand by the second?

Perhaps he would load the dishwasher or do some laundry?

Perhaps he would wash and set up Addison's new outside Fisher Price play station?

I was excited that my husband finally had a chance to be home...with Addison...and get SOMETHING done. I didn't care so much which item he chose, I was just excited to get one of those things crossed off the list...and to spend time with Addison simultaneously.

I was gone for about three hours....I knew Aaron could get at least one of those things accomplished (and I dropped many not subtle at all hints about each item on that list)

Walking in my front door carrying some baby boy presents from my very sweet friends, I had an anticipatory smile on my face as I was thrilled to see how Daddy time had gone.

Scene: If it could be on the floor it scattered, clothes and diapers piled, random food items splattering the floor...Daddy was collapsed on the couch looking exhausted and overwhelmed. Addison was happily cruising around the living room.

Hmmm, he looks pretty tired. He must have gotten more than one item on the list done.

"Did you work on the trim?"


"Did you set up Addison's new play station?"


Clearly he didn't pick up at all...

"So what did you get done?"

"Well, the tattoo took most of the time."

"Excuse me?"

"Yeah, the tattoo took forever to put on her. Do you realize that she doesn't sit still for very long?"

Really? I had no idea...

I looked down at my sweet daughter's back, and was horrified to see this:
Apparently a tattoo sticker came in one of his landscaping magazines representing a type of mower...

are we playing a humanized version of tic tac toe?

It struck Aaron as the most brilliant use of his Daddy/house time...

and left me reeling with disappointed expectations, an even messier house and an annoying tattoo that I have yet to get off (OK, I just saw online to use cooking oil).

Addison was pretty torn up about it too...
(OK, fine, that last pic might have more to do with Klondike hour being over)

but that is exactly why unsupervised Daddy time is rare at our house...

(and why my push present demands requests have now escalated...)

You know, when the prince comes riding into your life on his white seems like he should come with some sort of warning label


but to his credit, he has put up rather graciously with ME these past nine I've decided to cut him some slack...but seriously...a tattoo????
Deanna Smith