Maternity Photo Shoot

I recently made a new friend who is an absolute sweetheart and newly immersed into the photography world. This new friend graciously offered to do my maternity/newborn shots as a chance to build her business portfolio. I am amazed at the gorgeous pictures she took considering the somewhat questionable subjects that she had to deal with (excluding Chubbs, of course)

Check out the maternity shots that she took of us...please keep in mind that I am all of 37 weeks pregnant and am a bit lot self conscious of my current size...but there is nothing I wouldn't do for a friend. (-:

After you've finished perusing these shots and gasping over how bloated Deanna looks (yes that is for my two sisters...and mother)....check out some of her other work.

Aw yes, the belly. I love this picture because it shadows half of my arm and cuts out my bloated face. Pure photography genius.
This pic shows more of my flaws, but it captures Addison's curiosity with my belly. Sometimes I can almost hear her asking, "When are you going to come out and play?" as she lovingly pats my belly.
This picture showcases Addison's favorite little place to rest- the belly. It is her own person pillow, kicking/punching bag, soft stool on which to rest...she will most likely miss the belly more than I will.

Classic family shot. Aaron and I being ourselves to a fault and Addison secretly wondering why she got stuck with such crazy parents...
Yep, the crazy parent diagnosis has been confirmed...
This is how I normally hang my front yard...looking reflective while all dressed up...I say this is awesome photography that somehow hides my awkwardness with posing...
OK, I am so in love with this picture. Seriously, I can't stop staring at it in awe. This is a very classic father/daughter shot as Addison is definitely a Daddy's girl.
And this picture? Oh. my. word. I love it because I'm just a blurry shape in the background while Addison takes center stage with her contagious laugh...cracker in hand...seconds after she flashed a belly peek-a-boo show to the photographer. Now that is truly great photography.
If you need pictures for ANYTHING please give my friend a call (assuming you live in the 802). I was seriously so impressed by her and her work...I can't WAIT to do newborn shots!

Side Note 1: If you can see my painted toe nails in any of these pictures...I want the world to know that I painted them myself an hour before the shoot. I feel that I deserve a small bit of credit for being able to pick myself up off the floor without was a lot harder to accomplish than it might sound since it was as though I was assuming the "pregnancy pretzel" position...and no, that should most definitely NOT be a thing.

Side Note 2: The nursery is now completely dry walled, mudded, sanded and half painted. Hopefully I will be able to post some progress pictures soon.

Side Note 3: Yes, I know I'm too bothered by pregnancy weight gain. I do appreciate the life that I am growing more than I am bothered...just in case you were wondering. Every pound is worth it to create little brother. Vanity aside...I feel so blessed and humbled to be given another chance at motherhood, and am loving every minute of this pregnancy. 
Deanna Smith