I have a small problem. Really more of a problem pet situation. A pet I did not ask for and DO NOT want. Remember my whiny post about a fly problem a while back? Multiply that by 100 and by 100 again...and you might be able to fathom the depths of my current problem.
Allow me to explain.
Yesterday was such a beautifully profitable day. I put primer on the walls in little brother's room (I had been waiting for the dry wall to be finished, so I was excited to be able to take this next step). I froze up several meals and bags of homemade chicken broth, made yummy chicken enchiladas for dinner, worked on a newsletter for my husband's customers, successfully semi-picked up the house (and got to visit with several friends throughout the day...lovely)
After getting Addison in bed, I was tired, but I cleaned up my mess from the freezer meals and crashed on the couch with my computer and TV remote. I couldn't feel my legs and was exhausted.
While watching Big Brother out of the corner of my eye (yes, guilty pleasure) and rewriting the newsletter some more, I was startled by what appeared to be part of the fan breaking off and flying towards my head.
What the-
Surely I was imagining this.
I called for Aaron who was working diligently on the other side of the room on his computer (yes, we are one of those couples) to see if I was just hallucinating.
There- it happened again. A black blur flying at a rapid speed past my head, circling my head, getting closer and closer.
I couldn't see what it was because it was moving SO FAST, so I put a couch pillow on my head and started screaming.
Don't judge. When you're attacked so viciously on your couch of comfort after a day of hard work, a little screaming is OK.
When Aaron started freaking out (in his own manly, quiet way, of course), I knew that something weird was up.
I ran into the hall way and started at the black blur doing figure eights between the living room and dining room. After a couple of rounds, I started swatting at it with my pillow.
Aaron told me not to hurt it- it was just a swallow he thought and we needed to just get it to fly out the door.
Next thing we knew. Silence. The flying stopped, but hadn't gone out the door. Where did the swallow go?
It was then looking in the DR, that I saw this:
Allow me to explain.
Yesterday was such a beautifully profitable day. I put primer on the walls in little brother's room (I had been waiting for the dry wall to be finished, so I was excited to be able to take this next step). I froze up several meals and bags of homemade chicken broth, made yummy chicken enchiladas for dinner, worked on a newsletter for my husband's customers, successfully semi-picked up the house (and got to visit with several friends throughout the day...lovely)
After getting Addison in bed, I was tired, but I cleaned up my mess from the freezer meals and crashed on the couch with my computer and TV remote. I couldn't feel my legs and was exhausted.
While watching Big Brother out of the corner of my eye (yes, guilty pleasure) and rewriting the newsletter some more, I was startled by what appeared to be part of the fan breaking off and flying towards my head.
What the-
Surely I was imagining this.
I called for Aaron who was working diligently on the other side of the room on his computer (yes, we are one of those couples) to see if I was just hallucinating.
There- it happened again. A black blur flying at a rapid speed past my head, circling my head, getting closer and closer.
I couldn't see what it was because it was moving SO FAST, so I put a couch pillow on my head and started screaming.
Don't judge. When you're attacked so viciously on your couch of comfort after a day of hard work, a little screaming is OK.
When Aaron started freaking out (in his own manly, quiet way, of course), I knew that something weird was up.
I ran into the hall way and started at the black blur doing figure eights between the living room and dining room. After a couple of rounds, I started swatting at it with my pillow.
Aaron told me not to hurt it- it was just a swallow he thought and we needed to just get it to fly out the door.
Next thing we knew. Silence. The flying stopped, but hadn't gone out the door. Where did the swallow go?
It was then looking in the DR, that I saw this:
Yes, that is a bat.
I then super started freaking out. Hysterics- pre-labor screaming...whatever you want to call it. I scream at large spiders and whine about flies. This was a whole new level of grossness to my pest list.
Aaron called his dad to help him capture the bat and set him free outside. I hid out in our large bathroom connected to our bedroom and shut the doors firmly so that the bat couldn't come in our bedroom sanctuary. (I also moved Addison to the pack 'n play in our room)
I called Animal Control. They informed me that they only take care of dogs. Ummmm, hello? Then why are you called Animal Control?
I then called several Pest Elimination places- leaving messages with some and being told by all that they perhaps could get a technician out tomorrow. Tomorrow? How was I supposed to sleep in a bat infested house?
I heard yelling and bodies dropping to the floor as the "capture" was apparently unsuccessful. Ugh. I called more pest places. No one could help us.
I contemplated calling 911.
Next thing I knew, all was silent in the living room, so I went out asking if the bat had been caught.
I was told rather sheepishly by my husband that not only had it not been caught, but it was now hiding in the living room somewhere, and HE HAD NO IDEA WHERE. Apparently these little boogers can make themselves super tiny and hide out in the oddest of places....never to be found until they wake up and start their demon flight once again.
I started freaking out. I had read online the risk of rabies if you are bitten by a bat, and I immediately went back into our haven of a bedroom, placing towels over the crack under the door, and googled "rabies symptoms"
Fever. Yes, I was starting to feel a bit hot.
Scratchy throat. As I read the words, my throat started to tighten and close.
Headache. Immediately my head started to pound.
Tiredness. Of course.
I had rabies. A bat hidden in my beautiful living room. and rabies.
I read that rabies shots normally cost $3500 and all of my symptoms immediately intensified.
I was going to die. and of course the bat probably somehow bit Addison. She was probably going to die too. And could an unborn child survive rabies? My googling was on fire as I sought answers. Google gives you the answer to every life problem imaginable. Crying hysterically, I wanted to go to bed, but felt creepy crawly things all over my tender skin. Was that a symptom of rabies as well????
I finally fell into a troubled sleep and dreamed that Aaron came to bed late telling me that the bat had bit him in the face.
Waking up this morning, no movement from our pet bat. All of the lights were on in the living room as well as the TV (regrettably, BB was over and I never got to see the ending)
I fed Addison VERY quickly and we left for our first appointment of the day, jumping at shadows and every fly. (thankfully, we had 3 doctor appointments today)
Between every appointment, I was on the phone to different pest control places- the only times they could come look at the house were the times that we would be gone for the appointments that had been scheduled for 6 months. UGH.
One lady told me that a bat once hid in a vase at her house. A vase! Oh my goodness, that bat could really be anywhere!
Really hoping that the bat wakes up tonight, and flies out the open front door.
Please, please, please. please.
I swear any more of this tension and jumping at every shadow, I will go into labor. And I can't go into labor yet. Baby brother's room only has primer on the walls.
Stupid bat.
Stupid rabies.
Stupid comfy couch that I'm too scared to lounge in now.
I need bat removal advice. It's getting dark fast.
We need to safely remove Quincy (what, I'm not allowed to name the pet bat?)...and no, that's not the baby's name...
I CANNOT coexist with a bat....and pretty sure the bat can't afford the mortgage, so we need to come to an understanding...and soon.