anniversary/belly pic

I've heard it said that one of the hardest things on a marriage is to start your own business.

Also commonly stated is that one of the hardest things on a marriage is to have a child with special needs (why does no one ever talk about this?)

Aaron and I are blessed to claim both of these "marriage obstacles".

Why do I bring this up? Today we are celebrating 5 years of wedded bliss, and honestly? Every second hasn't been perfectly blissful. Marriage is a lot of work, especially aggravated by such "hard times"

I'm not a sappy person, but I just want to say that even though at times things have been tough, I love this man so much more than I did 5 years ago, and am overwhelmingly thankful that through every struggle we have come through stronger, ready to face whatever might be next. Through every step, the Lord has provided for us- through all of Addison's surgeries and paying to keep oxygen in our house 24 hours a day for 9 months to allowing Aaron's business to expand to the point where I can stay home after the birth of our second child.


We certainly have more struggles ahead (2 kids under 2, anyone?), but I can't think of anyone that I would rather face them with.

Happy anniversary to my wonderful husband!

On a side note...the only thing really bumming me out for this year's anniversary?

How much skinnier I was August 5, 2006 than I am today...
36 week belly shot...

An update on the glasses:
Thank you so much for all of your wonderful suggestions and ideas. I am especially taken with these glasses:
since they are made out of flexible plastic and hopefully will be much more durable for a learning to walk toddler. I called back the eye place this morning, and the lady who helped me was right next to us yesterday, listening in on our entire conversation. She was SO NICE and offered to do all sorts of extra paperwork to get our insurance to pay for these glasses and lens even though they weren't on the insurance's list.

The biggest question on my mind now is...what color should we go with?

please excuse the simplified post..I spent all day painting watching my mother-in-law paint trim and such for the nursery and I am exhausted.....
Deanna Smith