Chubbs in North Carolina
It seems like years since I last posted.
Decades, really.
It also seems like decades since my tired little, ever-growing self was planted on my comfy white couch with a Crunch Klondike bar, watching Master Chef.
If it sounds like I am whining, I am sure that is merely the blogger know how those things can be exaggerated...
I am thankful to be in North Carolina on a beautiful lake with bits of Aaron's family....
but after a two day car ride with two toddlers and a hip that definitely needs to be replaced...
and the extreme guilt of knowing exactly the disaster I left my house in
and trying to keep up with Addison's schedule- carrying her chubby self along with little bro' who I swear has to be nearing ten pounds (I realize this is impossible at 31 weeks...but still...the extreme heat makes everything worse)
I am exhausted and am looking forward to heading back to the blessed oasis of home.
Meanwhile? I am soaking up the sunshine and trying to turn Addison into a water baby- one swim time at a time....and enjoying time with Aaron's mother, sisters and niece Svana.
Speaking of Svana:
While visiting Great-Grandma, Addison was showing off her walking skills
Who are you looking at?
Aaron's sisters, Mom, Svana, Addison and Grandmommy
This post is more than disjointed, but I was going through withdraw...and needing to type out a few thoughts...and share a few pictures....
Looking forward to catching up on all of your blogs...and facebook birthdays...and snarky status'....later this week when I am back to that aforementioned comfy couch...and Klondike bar...
Happy 4th of July! Miss you all (since I am away from my computer, it feels like I left you all behind)
Decades, really.
It also seems like decades since my tired little, ever-growing self was planted on my comfy white couch with a Crunch Klondike bar, watching Master Chef.
If it sounds like I am whining, I am sure that is merely the blogger know how those things can be exaggerated...
I am thankful to be in North Carolina on a beautiful lake with bits of Aaron's family....
but after a two day car ride with two toddlers and a hip that definitely needs to be replaced...
and the extreme guilt of knowing exactly the disaster I left my house in
and trying to keep up with Addison's schedule- carrying her chubby self along with little bro' who I swear has to be nearing ten pounds (I realize this is impossible at 31 weeks...but still...the extreme heat makes everything worse)
I am exhausted and am looking forward to heading back to the blessed oasis of home.
Meanwhile? I am soaking up the sunshine and trying to turn Addison into a water baby- one swim time at a time....and enjoying time with Aaron's mother, sisters and niece Svana.
Speaking of Svana:
Who are you looking at?
Aaron's sisters, Mom, Svana, Addison and Grandmommy
This post is more than disjointed, but I was going through withdraw...and needing to type out a few thoughts...and share a few pictures....
Looking forward to catching up on all of your blogs...and facebook birthdays...and snarky status'....later this week when I am back to that aforementioned comfy couch...and Klondike bar...
Happy 4th of July! Miss you all (since I am away from my computer, it feels like I left you all behind)