naughty chubbs

Question: Does having an extra chromosome take away the naughty gene and cause the person in question to be a picture of angelic happiness all the live long day?

Since a picture is worth a thousand words, here are 8,000 words to answer that question (with a few carefully contributed comments from yours truly)

to be fair, she comes by her messy gene honestly...but does she have to be sooo happy about it?

(this one requires a three picture progression...she is a master of finding anything sweet,  going to great therapy heights to obtain it...and then eating the delectable goodness that we in our meanness keep from her...once she even ate a candy bar through the wrapper...yes it is possible)

(she holds great fascination with attempting to get her head inside the toilet...)
(curiosity leads to a possible case of strangulation...she seems determined to grow up too fast)

(she really has it out for my coupon basket. Haven't had an organized coupon collection since before she discovered the delicious taste of paper and learned the skills to get to it.)

big nope here.
This is the raspberry syrup that my mother-in-law so graciously found for me, and Addison's little sugar radar has her convinced that the syrup is for her...(the concept, share with your little brother is totally lost on her at this point. lol.)

and that's just a small sampling of the pictures I could post...

I have a beautiful daughter with an extra chromosome...who has a very mischievous, naughty personality...which she got from her father

Does this remind anyone else of the phrase "More alike than different?" (-:
Deanna Smith