Angel turned Demon/Stubborn Chubbs

What do you get when two extremely stubborn people have a daughter with genetically inclined stubborn tendencies?

1. A child who eats a new food eagerly like a starving child, waits until Mommy goes to the store and buys it in bulk, and then absolutely refuses to let it cross her little lips...and if the mouth is forcefully propped open and the food placed inside one cheek, she works tongue until she finds it..and then deliberately spits it out with an arc high enough to hit Mommy (over and over again until the food eventually just dissolves)

2. A child whose sole mission in life once placed in the grocery cart is to turn backwards and nosedive into the back of the matter how many times Mommy says no and rights her position. (When Mommy buckles her in, said stubborn child raises the belt until even with neck and then pretends that she is choking)

3. A child who will stand independently NOT when asked to...only when it allows both of her hands to be free to attempt to pull down the blinds in her bedroom via her crib.

4. A child who absolutely refuses to wave or do ANY signs whatsoever even though it's clear (some days) that she understands them.

5. A child who cruises around her crib for several hours after put to bed, not because she isn't tired, but just because she can...and is bent on exercising every freedom possible.

6.  A child who will cry for a bottle until one is brought to her, take a couple of energizing sips and then throw it as far as she can, apparently keeping score with how many she can get to roll to the back wall under the couch.

7. A child who will pull to stand on ANYTHING as long as there is something that she isn't supposed to have up there (and yes, it is possible to eat an entire three musketeers bar through the wrapper)

8. A child who makes this face when presented with something with any sort of  challenge. (current challenge: crawl over the stack of blankets that Daddy piled up...and yes, she did...very quickly)

9. A child who deems it a competitive game to crawl over the edges of things (such as the couch, or Mommy and Daddy's bed) faster than anyone can grab onto her to stop her...all the while issuing an evil chortle with the smell of victory very near to her nose (if you're wondering what that smell of victory is, it's the carpet so badly in need of vacuuming in Mommy and Daddy's room)

10. A child who absolutely refuses to show cognitive understanding to the word No. Apparently, to her, the word No really means "try again...and this time faster and while Mommy isn't looking because clearly this activity was meant for you"

For those of you who have stubborn/mischievous children, this post probably is like a Wednesday night at your house...but my sweet little baby overnight changed into this curious, slightly evil, stubborn stubborn stubborn child and I'm struggling with the change.

Better laugh than cry...but still it's a hard adjustment from loving baby to the poking eyes, pulling hair, scratching, yelling, fit throwing demon currently held hostage in my child's body.

It's just so hard because she doesn't seem to understand NO. How do I know if she's really understanding but stubbornly ignoring...or if she HONESTLY doesn't understand it yet?

How do you deal with behavioral problems in a child with cognitive limitations? How do you know what she doesn't understand and what she is ignoring? I would hate to enforce a command that she obviously didn't understand. But I also don't want her to keep pulling them over on me and grow up to be an absolute brat who never listens to anything that she is told. How do you tell the difference between understanding and honest confusion in a child with special needs?

If you have any suggestions along those lines. HELP.

Otherwise I just see this phase stretching innocently into a "How can I kill my little brother" phase.
Deanna Smith