the littlest Mr.

My dearest Addison,

Today we had a Level 2 ultrasound to check on your little sibling. I told you how nervous I was about it because of how badly your ultrasound went at this same point in your pregnancy. I just got the strangest sense of deja vu, and I was terrified of what we were going to hear and find.


We learned that you are going to have a little brother....and all of a sudden I felt like I was doing this for the very first time. You probably wondered why I was crying....which explains why you were trying to escape.

Your brother took his cue from you and had a hard time holding still for a good picture...and that's over the course of a very long, detailed ultrasound. This little boy likes to move. I'm afraid this is the best we could get...but he very unashamedly made SURE that we knew that he was a boy (hard to catch that little dance with the camera...but hard to miss on the video):

And then as if hearing that you were going to have a brother playmate-protector-friend wasn't enough, we learned that everything with him looks really great. There are no soft markers for anything. For the first time in an ultrasound, my baby was called "normal". Of course that doesn't guarantee anything, but it is still worth celebrating.

But sweet Addison, you know what the best part is? Imagining you with your little brother-playing-laughing-wrestling. You'd better bulk up because I have a feeling he's going to catch up to you in no time. I can feel his strong kicks and did you see him keep making fists in the ultrasound and practicing his boxing techniques? Don't worry, once he stops seeing you as the annoying older sister, he'll use those same fists to protect you...we'll work on it. (-:

Anyway, just wanted to let you know why your clothing budget is being cut in half. Afraid a little brother would look rather silly in your pink and yellow tutu collection. Time to buy some more manly clothes....a blue tutu perhaps??? But I will be worth have a little brother to love and grow up with. I love you both more than I can kindly stop kicking my stomach at every available opportunity so that he can grow undisturbed (you got ultrasound gel all over your new shoes today as a result). It's not a competition....yet...well, at least let him be born first. (-:

Much love,


Deanna Smith