Everything and Nothing From Essex

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I know that normally as a blogger I am standing on my soapbox while atop my high horse, monologuing. But today I am posting somewhat of a poll as I am curious.

Those of you who parent a child with Down syndrome (or a child with special needs), do you find that child is especially particular to a specific schedule?

Addison is not a good traveler. She refuses to nap outside of her bed- she gets overstimulated by all of the people and the new surroundings.

After she misses even ONE nap her body starts to turn on itself. She gets a fever and other "sick" symptoms that go away as soon as she gets some sleep. She also starts refusing to eat or drink- it's bad.

I hold her VERY CAREFULLY to her schedule (I get quite a bit of flack for missing things due to keeping her to this schedule) to avoid these symptoms, but of course when traveling it's unavoidable.

Carter isn't old enough for me to tell if he will be the same way- but Addison is over two and shows this very strong reaction  every time her schedule is ignored.

My question is- anyone else notice this with a child with special needs? Or is this an individual thing?

I'm just curious and trying to figure out ways to help her be more flexible, but hate messing with a good thing.

Thoughts/things that have worked for you if you notice the same sort of behaviors?

Also, I know I have been otherwise preoccupied, but Patti's GIVEAWAY ends tonight. So if you were thinking "I'm going to LATER" -later is now. Hop on over and please, please, please help.

and to all of my friends traveling a similar journey but on a different path- Happy World Autism Day.