Everything and Nothing From Essex

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New Design

January is the birthday month in our little family. Aaron's birthday is in January...my sister's birthday is in January...Aaron's grandpa's birthday is in January...my mother and mother-inlaw's birthdays are in January (both on the same day-and year, ironically enough)...
I am HORRIBLE with birthdays, so this means that I usually spend the entire month of February feeling guilty for not getting everyone their card/present/cake combo on time- or at all.

The next ten months are spent in intensive psychological therapy working through my guilt for being a horrible wife/sister/daughter/ granddaughter/daughter-in-law and then before I know it...January is here again ready to slay me yet again with birthday after birthday after birthday after birthday.

But as bad as I am about buying those cards and presents, my husband is 10x worse. Too harsh? Well, my birthday was August 8th and I got my present....today.

To be fair, my birthday is three days after our anniversary, so I end up applying a lot of pressure for either one AWESOME gift or TWO medium gifts. As it turns out, he gets so intimidated and overwhelmed that both get sadly neglected. You would think that after 5.5 years, I would have learned not to do that....but apparently I'm not as bright as you might have originally given me credit for. Must lay off the pressure.

All of that simply to introduce this year's birthday gift which came in time for my half birthday (hehe).

What is this noteworthy gift, you might ask?

(really? you had to ask?)

My incredible new blog design by Minx Designs!

I dabble in a lot of things, but blog design is NOT one of them, and I was so thankful to have a pro take over and make it...as Addison would say "a pretty".
Seeing the new design makes me duck in shame at my feeble homemade attempts which makes me
think that I owe you all a big THANK YOU for still reading and not complaining about the dim lighting in here. Because wow...doesn't it look so much better?!

Thank you Minx Design! (and thank you, Holly for recommending!)

Thank you Aaron for the birthday gift! LOVE! (totally worth waiting for)

Now, if you'll excuse me, I have some birthday gift shopping of my own to do...

p.s. have you checked out my ebook yet????