Everything and Nothing From Essex

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A minute in the life of parenting a child with Down syndrome

What is it like to have a 20 month old with Down syndrome?

Well, it's like this:

pants discarded in one corner of the room, glasses hidden under the couch...pitching a fake tantrum...flinging off the couch...working on the syllable of the week and reluctantly showing understanding

(for the record, it also shows you life with two babies. lol. Carter was fed, burped and changed...just didn't like to be left out of the action.)

this is my Chubbs in all of her glory

once again I say to you- more alike than different.

-I caught Addison in that last fling so she did not land headfirst on the floor (she never flings like this...always dismounts properly...go figure...she just really wanted my camera)
-Carter is already competing for that center stage that Addison loves so dearly
-I worked all day to get a video of her dance moves, but every time I try she stops dancing....I will keep trying.