Everything and Nothing From Essex

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I find myself walking around in a bit of a haze. Constant feedings...deciding who is crying louder and should get attention first...figuring out a new sleep schedule...lots and lots of therapy sessions...(I just added in two new therapists as I figured Addison now needed the extra attention due to my attention now being split. Plus she is really taking off in several areas, and I wanted to take advantage of that)

I feel like my aimlessness has been present a bit on my blog, and the lack of comments has confirmed that to me. (not that I live for comments, but after not many people comment it leaves me wondering...did I make sense at all?)

I'm trying to get us on a schedule to make room for me to start back work on my book soon, I've been taking the kids for very long walks every day in attempts to reclaim my body before I'm officially able to start exercising again, I'm following the steps from a new organizational book so as to not get overwhelmed with a messy house and overflowing laundry

and every once and a while when I get most overwhelmed I stop and say- it's been 4 weeks. I'm home alone trying to adjust to 2 kids (babies) on very little sleep- I guess I'll cut myself a little slack for not being able to keep up perfectly in all areas of life. My friend Holly has accused me of being an overachiever, and I guess in some respects I am, but honestly, that's all I know, why stop now?

I say all that to say- I have a bunch of pictures for you today. While feeding Carter in the middle of the night last night, I thought up a beautiful comparison between motherhood and swinging (because of Addison's swinging pics that are below)- the highs, the lows, the exhilaration, the fear...but then when morning came, not only could I not remember why I thought it was brilliant, I couldn't remember how I wanted to say it.

That leaves us with- pictures. One of the reasons why I have been taking and posting more pictures of late is so that I can look back and be able to remember these fun, fun weeks that are coming dangerously close to be erased from my hazy memory. lol.

I enjoy dressing Addison up for her therapy appointments. I think she performs better when she's all dolled up. (i.e. the purple cowboy boots allowed her for the first time to deliberately use her pointer finger over and over again YAY)
 During our afternoon walks, we stop at a nearby park and let Addison swing while Carter sleeps in the double stroller (I think whoever invented double strollers should win some sort of genius award)

I have learned that Addison LOVES to swing high. (-: Seriously never had so much fun at a park before. How can you not laugh back at her small gleeful chortles?
 Aaron discovered a way to get a cute sibling picture that didn't end with Addison attempting murder: place an awake Carter next to a sleeping Addison. It worked well, until she woke up.

"What's going on here?"
 "It's Daddy! I love my Daddy."
 "Wait a second. What's this?"
 "I've been tricked."
(notice Aaron's hands rescuing Carter. lol)
Sweet 4 week old:
 And last but not least...LOL. Addison's sense of imitation is strong these days...so don't judge me that I encourage her in her imitation growth:
In conclusion:

1. Happy Friday

2. Anyone still out there or have I alienated  my followers due to distracted postings and lack of response back on my part? (I hope to be returning 100% sometime in the next few weeks. Patience is requested)

3. If you haven't gotten the chance already, could you take a minute and vote for us? (We will owe you dearly)