Everything and Nothing From Essex

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baby shower

My life is full of baby deliciousness.

A newborn who loves to cuddle and nurse. A toddler whose chubbalicious self grows more curious and big sister-like by the day.

I am blessed beyond what I could have imagined for myself.

My only wish is for that blessing to include a bit more sleep...or my husband to not be working 6-7 days a week...or to find a PCA who could consistently help me...or to get rid of this ginormous headache that appears every afternoon at 2 and doesn't disappear until I go to bed...

But, not complaining. That all comes with the territory, and I know that this is just a phase that will pass all too quickly. Having a newborn is such a mix of emotions. In one sense, you want them to HURRY UP and get bigger so that you can get some more sleep. But at the same time, you want them to stay tiny and beautifully newbornish for as long as possible...
 My friend Lydia threw me a baby shower yesterday.

Actually, she did more than that. She came the day before and CLEANED MY HOUSE, catered a luncheon, and set up this beautifully fall themed party right in my own space (and thank you also to Keri and Mindy!). It was so beautiful and wonderful. My one regret was that I didn't really take any pictures...(when Carter vomited all over me minutes before the first guest arrived, it made sense that I was a touch distracted)

Here's a taste for some of the shower's decorations: (the pumpkins say his name...and the stand WAS full of yummy cupcakes)

 and this is really the only picture I got with Carter...I know. ALMOST too embarrassing to post. Not sure what I was trying to say to him (perhaps a silent sleep themed plea?)

So it was a lovely shower, and I am so thankful for all of the hard work that my amazing friend put into it and the women who were gracious enough to attend, ooh over my baby, and bring oh-so-thoughtful presents for my little boy (he is so appreciative to no longer be bathing with pink wash clothes and towels)

When it comes to baby showers, I would much rather be the person throwing it, or the snarky commenter over in the corner with the colorful running commentary...but I have to say that this one was lovely...and perfect...and left me feeling totally encouraged to mother yet another day. Aaron has been extremely busy these past weeks so it has just been me alone with the two kids and discouragement has not been far away. The shower did a lot to remedy that emotion. Thankful.

In conclusion, an update on sibling love. This is a 3 picture progression. See if you can figure out what happened:

 Note: Carter was not hurt in the making of these pictures. Mommy was right there to catch him when he started to roll due to big sister's very loving kick...

Oh Addison. What are we going to do with you???