Everything and Nothing From Essex

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NO TRENDY baby eyewear...

This morning after Addison's OT appointment, we set off to drop off her pink pair of glasses to get lens put in (we have to wait two weeks for those to be finished) and to find a second pair for little Miss Chubbs since the eye doctor highly recommended to have several pairs due to the nature of toddlerhood.

We all know that I am struggling with an attitude adjustment towards these glasses...so I very carefully maintained a positive outlook, determined to enjoy shopping for Addison's newest accessory...

Well, long story short, it turns out that my hope for trendy eye wear is proving to be rather difficult to achieve.

My eyes were opened (haha) when the saleslady brought out ONE PAIR that she had to offer that would fit Addison. Now, I didn't take a picture of this pair because I was too horrified to move at the very thought of putting those gargantuan plastic replications of evil on my daughter's face.

But just so that you can get an idea, I very thoughtfully drew a little picture of what those glasses looked like: (you're welcome)
I did not care for them AT ALL. (All Addison needs now is a huge curly wig to simulate a perm and that's my 4th grade mug shot. Horrible memories that I REFUSE to subject my daughter to) 

I knew that my extreme dislike of the ONE PRODUCT that she offered me was showing on my face. Trying to remain polite (and calm), I asked the saleslady if she had the ability to order any other frames since we were looking for something a bit trendier.

She gave me the evil eye and informed me that since "normal kids" don't get glasses so young, there were absolutely NO TRENDY options available until she was more "toddler-like". 

I stared in awkward silence at the pair she had offered, and then made the mistake of calling them "super ugly" and saying surely there was something else ( anything else). Evil eye darkening in intensity, she managed to find two other pairs in a catalog that were almost identical and cost $200 more. Um......

I refused to be impressed and was insulted that she thought that this pair of glasses was cute enough to offer my beautiful daughter (as she kept referencing that only "normal" kids who didn't need glasses so young got trendy options)

Needless to say, she ushered me out of the store VERY quickly telling me that I was being "unreasonable" and that I should go back to the pediatric specialist and beg another pair off of them because I would never find what I'm looking for. (pretty sure she kicked the door behind me and shouted "good riddance" to our retreating backs.....OK, not really, but that's what she looked like she wanted to do)

So here I am, frustrated.  I have gone to great lengths to dress my little princess in the cutest wardrobe possible (but of course...now within reason)

And now this saleslady has the NERVE to tell me that now Addison's little face has to be covered by UGLY plastic monstrosities until she reaches the age that "normal" children get glasses?

WHY isn't trendy baby eye wear a thing? Someone needs to come up with better options than the ones I'm finding online- surely there's a market for them. I have yet to find a pair that makes me truly happy.

Since the saleslady labeled me as unreasonable, I have taken the liberty of drawing up a few sketches of what I consider to be trendier eye wear. 

Who's being unreasonable NOW?

Evening wear glasses
Special Occasion Glasses
What could be trendier than a Vermont girl who recycles???? 
Playdate glasses
Going Out Glasses

Perfectly reasonable requests. And yet I found NONE of these designs or ANYTHING REMOTELY FUN surrounding the pair that I was offered (in case you forgot):
Yeah, that's just not going to work.


In all seriousness though, I am looking for a pair that looks more like this:
all plastic, black or brown...rectangle so that Addison can look as smart and intelligent as we all know that she is....

I cannot find this anywhere. Why is this so hard?
