Everything and Nothing From Essex

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Chubbs is back to Essex

Late last night, a tired Honda Odyssey van limped slowly into Essex Vermont, carrying weary travelers who had just braved an 18 hour road trip from Lake Waccamaw North Carolina. The beaten down adults dragged themselves out of their cramped traveling positions while an overly eager toddler leapt into the arms of her waiting Da-da with a smile big enough to light up the dark Vermont sky.

Despite the long hours, the driver kept her happy temperament:
and flair for the dramatic:
and cheerful playtime attitude when her driving time was over:
along the way, she met new friends:
and experienced new things:
and just overall had a good time:
so as much fun as traveling the world (well, the Midwest and South anyway) has been these past two weeks, no two people were ever happier to just settle down for the rest of the summer...enjoying each moment, prepping for little brother, taking care of Daddy, and editing the book.

(Note to self: The sense of adventure must be one of the first things to go with a large pregnant belly and a wiggly toddler...seriously...at some point the fun just becomes too much work...just call me the pregnant party pooper)

I have to say, I left my computer behind this past week because Aaron said a break would be good for me, and I thought mobile aps on my phone would cut it.

But. they. did. not.

What's up with FB mobile? I couldn't read or post any comments and could only see half of each post, and there was pretty much no wi-fi where we were, so reading blog posts were out of the question.
 boo hoo.

As much work at times this blog is, and keeping up with all of you- I love it so much, and found that a little part of me shriveled up and died at the lack of contact from my bloggy friends.

Yikes. I might have a big problem. But, I lasted the week "purge" breaking down only once to steal a computer and post a few pictures (and spending a couple of hours editing my book...I found my mind erasing into a blank slate without the opportunity to express myself through the written word.)

all that to say I'M BACK! Ready to hit the ground running with my book these next two months, and hopefully reconnect with all of you this next week. And for goodness sakes, fill up my sad little neglected blog with plenty of snarky thoughts, pictures of Chubbs, and overall expressions via WORDS!

Anyone still there?

During my purge, I got to thinking-Are there some of you who read my blog, but I don't know about/follow yours? I love reading all types of blogs, and if you have one, please leave a link to it in a comment and I will definitely head over your way to do a little return following/stalking. (-:

Anyhoo, happy Friday! Off to run a couple of errands and then put my neglected house back in order...fun, fun, fun...