Everything and Nothing From Essex

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sick baby

So poor little Chubbs...last night when I hastily hit publish on the post because I heard retching noises coming from my little girl's crib, I had no idea what had come upon us. I had a throwing up, diarrhea filled, feverish, clingy little girl on my hands who had no desire to move, let alone cause her normal round of trouble.

I ended up leaving work today to take her to the doctor. I realize that any other parent might just assume that their child has a simple bug and wait it out after making sure there are some wet diapers (I had to argue with the nurse over the phone to be able to bring Addison in today), but with Chubbs' history, I run her to the doctor at the slightest little thing (call me over protective, but I do what I have to to take care of my baby) Especially with our leukemia watch that seems to constantly have me on edge-every little thing out of the norm makes me start to worry, so when my little girl showed signs of an innocent stomach bug, I freaked out.

Here she is right before we left to see her pal Dr. Costello (the bruise is from when she threw herself into a doorway while her PCA was watching her a couple days ago):
Here she is right after...(love her little shoes-I think she could be a Gymboree model):
She's just been extra beautiful
and extra cuddly today
and I cuddled her, enjoying her chubby arms clinging around my neck and her breath in my hair all the while freaking out, imagining having to deal with leukemia with my beautiful girl.

I love this little girl so much. I hate to see her sick and feeling miserable.

We'll be going in to the hospital lab to get her blood counts rechecked as soon as she's feeling better (because we're due), but thankfully her pediatrician doesn't think that today's bug has anything to do with that. 

And yes, I know I freak out over the smallest things, but can you really blame me?

Note: After waiting in the Pediatrician's waiting room forever for our impromtu appointment, I finally heard a little boy's name that I really like that Aaron sort of likes (there's no better place to have the most trendy baby names paraded in front of you)...we're that much closer to being able to call this baby something other than "little sibling" or "Addison's new chew toy"